When an insurance company talks about the date of insurance issue, they are referring to the date that the policy was approved and accepted. There is also a policy date that refers to the day the insurance is effective. See…
Looking for motorcycle coverage? There are tons of companies out there to choose from. The best companies are Markel, AllState, Safeco, USAA, and Farmers. These companies were ranked based on deliverability of service, willingness to payout, customer service and quality…
Most people are aware of life insurance, but not burial insurance. They are not one in the same. LIfe insurance can cover a funeral, but burial insurance can’t be used for cash. That means if you have burial insurance that…
Shopping for car insurance means you want to go with the best company who will give you the most value for your money. This means you need an agent who is looking out for what’s best for you and not…
With identity theft running rampant, it’s important to be on your toes when it comes to your credit. You need to be aware of what lines of credit are being opened in your name, including credit cards. Finding out if…
As a credit customer, it’s easy to feel like your credit card company is a dictatorship. Whatever they say goes and you’re lucky you’ve even been allowed to use “their” credit. Did you know that as the customer they actually…
Student loans are absolutely a burden to bear, so it makes sense that paying them off comes with a deep sense of relief. But is it worth it to pay them off early? There is good and bad debts, and…
The difference between loaning a brand new car and loaning a used car has hit a record high at $11,000. There is also a record regarding the amount borrowed for new and used car loans. The fourth quarter saw the…
Students applying for overseas college experiences may be (pleasantly) surprised to find that federal student loans can be applied to foreign schools. When they apply, they might find that they’ll be sent a variety of loan options as well as…
U.S. car sales have dropped 3 percent, making it sixteen months in a row of lower year-by-year sales. Additionally, vehicle sales have fallen to their lowest point since 2014. While this is occurring, risky car loans and fraud are on…